Accutane for Acne Treatment

Isotretinoin (trade name: Accutane) is a powerful drug used in the treatment of acne  Four to five months of Accutane treatment usually leads to clearing of acne. It is a potent medication that is very effective for nearly all types of breakouts. Accutane is needed for moderate to severe acne that has failed other treatments. It should be used for a severe, scarring acne. Is also used for acne present for many years that has not respond completely to antibiotic pills and creams. While it has many side effects, in some ways it is safer than long-term antibiotic usage. This medicine can have serious side effects, however, so it must be prescribed and supervised by a specialist doctor.

Who can and can't take isotretinoin capsules

Isotretinoin capsules are for teenagers and adults with severe acne. Do not give isotretinoin capsules to children under the age of 12 years or before puberty.

Isotretinoin capsules aren't suitable for some people.

Do not take isotretinoin capsules if you:

  • have had an allergic reaction to isotretinoin, soya (the capsules contain soya) or any other medicines in the past
  • have an inherited digestive disorder called fructose intolerance (the capsules contain sorbitol)
  • are pregnant or think you could be, or you're breastfeeding
  • have ever had an allergic reaction to isotretinoin or any other medicine
  • have liver or kidney disease
  • have high levels of cholesterol or other fats in your blood
  • have high levels of vitamin A