Breast Fillers in Nairobi.

Have you ever looked at your bust and thought, “This looks great, but I would like to get a bigger one”? Or have you desired better curves on your chest and thought that this is the perfect time. However, you might have heard of discouraging stories about breast augmentation, that made you want to turn back. Well, DON’T give up on that just yet! Avané clinic, Nairobi, is here for you. Through our breast fillers treatment, we offer you breast augmentation in a safer and more efficient way than ever before.

What Are Breast Fillers?

Breast fillers are also known as breast injections or non-surgical breast augmentation. They involve the use of injectable substances to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Unlike traditional breast implants that require surgery, breast fillers provide a less invasive option for those seeking a fuller bust.

How It Works

The procedure typically begins with a consultation with our doctors. Here, the patient's goals and expectations are discussed. During the actual treatment, the skilled medical professional administers the chosen filler through a series of injections into strategic points on the breast. The filler substance is carefully selected based on factors such as the patient's desired outcome, body type, and medical history.

breast fillers

Types of Fillers Used

  1. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers -These fillers contain a substance that is naturally found in the body. This makes them a popular choice for breast augmentation. They offer temporary results that last several months to a year.
  2. Fat Transfer - In this technique, fat is harvested from another area of the patient's body. This is usually done through liposuction. The extracted fat is purified, and then injected into the breasts. This provides longer-lasting results and a natural look.

Benefits of Breast Fillers

  1. Minimally Invasive - One of the primary advantages of breast fillers is that they are non-surgical. This means no incisions, no scarring, and typically less downtime compared to traditional implants.
  2. Customizable Results - Breast fillers allow for a more personalized approach to achieving the desired size and shape. The medical professional can adjust the injections to create a look that complements the patient's body proportions.
  3. Reduced Risks - While all medical procedures carry some level of risk, non-surgical breast augmentation generally presents fewer risks and complications than surgical procedures.
  4. Quick Recovery - Many patients experience minimal discomfort and are able to resume their normal activities within a short period after the procedure.
  5. Gradual Enhancement - Some patients prefer the gradual enhancement offered by breast fillers, as results can be built up over multiple sessions.

Considerations and Limitations

It's important to note that breast fillers may not be suitable for everyone. They are best suited for individuals seeking a modest increase in breast size. Patients looking for more significant changes may still opt for surgical breast augmentation. Additionally, the results of breast fillers are not permanent, and ongoing treatments may be required to maintain the desired look.

Consultation and Choosing a Provider

Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, including breast fillers, it's crucial to have a thorough consultation with a qualified medical professional. At Avané clinic, Dr Pancholi will be at your beck and call for this. He will assess your medical history, discuss your goals, and recommend the best treatment plan based on your individual needs.

Don’t miss out on this life changing chance to boost your curvy body in a safe and efficient way. Breasts fillers will help you achieve fuller, rounder and more attractive breasts. Additionally, this is achieved with no risk of side effects and no downtime at all. Visit Avané clinic today at the Yaya Centre and get yourself the bust you have always loved.