Laser treatment for acne scars aims to minimize the appearance of scars from old acne outbreaks. Laser treatment for acne scars focuses light on the top layers of your skin to break up scar tissue. At the same time, the treatment encourages new, healthy skin cells to grow and replace the scar tissue. If you have active acne, a darker skin tone, or very wrinkled skin, you might not be a good candidate for this treatment. Only a dermatologist can tell you if laser treatment for acne scars is a good course of action for you.

How It Works:

  • First, heat from the laser works to remove the top layer of your skin where a scar has formed. As this top layer of your scar peels off, your skin appears smoother, and the appearance of the scar is less noticeable.
  • As the scar tissue breaks apart, heat and light from the laser also encourage new, healthy skin cells to grow. Blood flow is drawn to the area by the heat of the laser, and inflammation is reduced as blood vessels in the scar are targeted.
  • All of this combines to make scars look less raised and red, giving them a smaller appearance. It also promotes the healing of your skin.
  • Lasers for acne scarring tend to target your face. But the treatment can also be applied to other areas where acne scars tend to appear. Typical targeted treatment areas include:

Laser for Acne Scars



Risks and side effects

There are some risks and side effects when you use lasers to treat your acne scars. These side effects will vary according to what kind of laser is used, your skin type, and how many treatments you need.

Typical side effects may include:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • pain at the site of treatment
  • Risks of using laser treatment to lessen the appearance of acne scarring include hyperpigmentation and infection While these conditions are rare and often preventable,
