Pico Laser Tattoo Removal Nairobi, Kenya

Did you get a tattoo when you were young that you regret? Do you have a tattoo that didn’t turn out as expected and is nothing but an eyesore to you? Are people not taking you serious with your tattoo? Do you live near Nairobi? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should consider getting a skin laser treatment. Avane is an ideal Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic for pico laser tattoo removal in Nairobi, Kenya.

What is Pico laser tattoo removal?

Pico laser tattoo removal is a treatment that erases undesired ink. With the use of lasers, the ink is broken up to help your body remove the unwanted tattoo.

tattoo removal nairobi

How does it work?

To understand how pico laser tattoo removal work requires an understanding of how receiving a tattoo works. When getting a tattoo, the ink is injected deeply into the skin. The ink is generally in two separate cells, those which are smaller than the white blood cells and those which are larger. The cells will recognize the ink as a foreign entity and will remove what is smaller than them. The ink that remains are the larger cells, hence why the tattoos take so long to fade. When receiving the laser tattoo removal treatment, the laser targets the ink without penetrating the skin, breaking down the larger ink cells. After the treatment session is finished, the cells will take what is smaller and process it through the liver. Large pieces may continue to be visible, so in order to completely erase the tattoo, multiple sessions will most likely be needed.

What should I expect before the treatment?

Before the treatment, the tattoo will remain in place. The best way to prepare for the procedure is to drink lots of fluid, preferably water. In addition, you should be healthy when getting the tattoo removed. White blood cells are moving the ink to get processed out of your body, and they won’t be able to do that as well if they are fighting off a cold. If you are trying to remove a new tattoo, it is best to wait a few months so that the healing process is finished, and the original small particles of ink are out of your system.

What should I expect during the treatment?

Although the treatment is quick, it’s not quite painless. The laser is breaking down the ink into smaller particles in the dermis, a lower layer than the epidermis, or the skin you can visibly see. Dr. Pancholi may apply a topical numbing agent to help make you comfortable during the procedure. The laser is passed over the tattooed skin. The skin, in reaction to the laser, may turn light or almost white. Some stinging may occur during the procedure, but the treatment is generally pretty quick, getting you closer to the results you want in a matter of minutes!

How will the procedure go?

Before the treatment, you will have a consultation with Dr. Pranav Pancholi in one of the Avané Clinic patient rooms so that the tattoo can be assessed to determine an estimate for how many treatments to make the tattoo disappear. Depending on the placement and size of the tattoo, a topical numbing agent may be applied to make the treatment easier. The laser will trace the tattoo’s ink. The area may immediately turn a little color. After the entire tattoo was traced by the laser, a cleansing solution may be applied to clean the area, and a lotion may be applied to moisturize the area. The routine may continue until the tattoo is out of sight.

Am I a good candidate for laser tattoo removal?

Every individual is different, but laser tattoo removal can be for almost anyone. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should wait to get their tattoo removed. In addition, those who are going through chemotherapy should also wait before their treatment is over before doing laser tattoo removal.

What are the side effects?

Side effects with laser tattoo removal have shown to be minimal. The area may be at a greater risk for infection. In addition, skin pigmentation be lost in the treated area.

Results may vary. Contact Avané Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic and Medical Spa to schedule your treatment today!